MHM Ministries in La Villa



Linaje Escogido Church in La Villa spends a great deal of time throughout the year hosting visiting missionary teams.  One of the activities the church plans for the missionaries is to visit people from the community of La Villa.  The visits are to the homes of seniors, church members, neighbors or family of church members and shut-ins.

During the visit the missionaries often give gifts such as quilts, blankets, Bibles, Devotional books and prayer is offered for the needs of those they are visiting. 




The Children’s Feeding Center in La Villa was opened in April 2013 and is now serving meals twice a week to 25-40 children from the community.  The meals are served during lunchtime, starting at 11:30 am for children who attend school in the afternoon and at 12:00 noon for those who go in the morning.

Each hot meal also includes a short introductory program with Christian songs and a lesson from the Word of God.  There are also games, play dough, coloring books and Bible Stories to entertain the children while the meal is being prepared. 

The Children’s Feeding Center continues to build strong relationships with the community at large.



Sept 3.jpg

The Senior Center in La Villa was opened in May 2013 to serve the population of senior adults in the community.  It has quickly become a “don’t want to miss” weekly event for the seniors and for the staff from Linaje Escogido Church.  The enthusiasm of the seniors and the whole community has been overwhelming!

The seniors come to the Center at lunchtime on Thursdays for a nutritious meal and games or activities.  Bible quizzes and craft projects are some of the activities.  Birthdays are celebrated every month, always with a piñata and birthday cake! 

When mission teams visit La Villa, the Senior Center is one of the favorite ministries for the teams.  Cultural exchanges between the teams and the seniors has been exciting for the seniors.  In January 2015 the seniors did a surprise performance for the community and for the mission team.  They dressed in their Honduran outfits and sang, danced and performed poetry for the team.  The Honduran pride displayed by the seniors was heartwarming. 

Some seniors are not able to physically attend mealtime at the Center.  These shut-ins are delivered a meal through the “Meals on Wheels” program provided by Linaje Escogido Church.