Monthly Update: June Newsletter 2018

June 16th, 2018

Monthly Update: June Newsletter 2018

Another board member visit in May.  We are so blessed to be able to spend time with our friend in Honduras!  Emily Peterson and her daughter Natalie were able to travel with a group from King of Kings Church May 18th - 25th on our third trip and the relationships are getting stronger.  We had a very small group this time making for some good quality time together.

We spent time with the seniors, enjoyed the Linaje worship service on Sunday, spent time with the children of the la Villa and San Nicolas feeding centers with a "Polar Blast", helped out at the clinic, worked with several school classes at the library, and were able to attend the new Wednesday night service Peter and Kathy Hearne are hosting in Comayagua.  Along with the new service we were able to meet some new friends that have found a church home there and visit them in their homes and businesses.  We pray that the new ministry in Comayagua continues to prosper and bring people together!

The new library is quickly becoming a popular spot.  They are in need of air conditioning and that is being discussed.  It was so nice to see it being used by a variety of community members.  We pray the library brings the community together even more.

The library is still in need of books. If you wish to donate a book or two, please see the following website: 

The water situation in la Villa continues to be a problem.  The clinic and feeding center battle skin and stomach problems on a regular basis because the water available to people at their homes is so dirty.  The city is looking into a solution, but in the meantime we have provided them with a solution of sorts.  They are able to clean the water with a solution that takes out the largest debris and transfer it to containers to be treated.  This will help them have clean water to cook with as well as for the kids to clean up in when they come to the feeding center.  We pray for the health of the la Villa community.

We were blessed to assist in the delivery of meals to the Linaje community members that aren't able to make it to the feeding center.  What a blessing this ministry is!

Please continue to hold up our friends in Honduras in your prayers.  There are so many wonderful things happening in these communities and we are blessed to be a part of it!